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Preventative Dental Care in Tucson: How We Can Help

All people need to practice preventative dental care in Tucson. Preventative care starts at home, but it should also include regular visits to our office for check-ups and treatments. Preventative dental care can keep dentist visit costs lower and your oral health in top condition. Preventative dental care includes a list of ways you can better your chances of avoiding cavities and gum infections, which is laid out below.

Brush and Floss

Daily brushing and flossing are your first steps to having a healthier mouth. You can avoid cavities, gum disease, and enamel wear all by just brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once, as a minimum. These practices remove plaque that builds up on your teeth, and they give your teeth time to rebuild their strong enamel. Brushing and flossing also keep bacteria and plaque from building up on and under your gum line, leading to painful and harmful gum diseases. The toothpaste you use at home should be a fluoride paste approved by the American Dental Association. You should also remember to replace your toothbrush at least three times a year. If flossing proves challenging for you, you can purchase a different type of floss that is created in a pick-type form, so you can just push it between each tooth without worrying about the long string.

Dental Cleanings

Visiting our office for annual dental cleanings is also an important step you should take to keep dental caries and infection at bay. Some plaque can get too hard for you to remove without help from a dentist. When we remove the plaque, your teeth will stay clean and strong longer and look whiter after your appointment. At these dental cleaning visits, we can examine your teeth and identify any potential problems or results of improper care. We can also provide you with other techniques of preventative dental care in Tucson, like dental sealants and fluoride treatments, both of which add an extra layer of protection to your teeth.

Eat Right

This tip is a given, but it's easy to forget about. You should eat a balanced diet that consists of dairy (if you tolerate it), whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. These will keep your body in the best working condition and provide your teeth with the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to rebuild enamel daily. Try to avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks when possible, and if you ingest them, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth out afterward. The bacteria that naturally occurs in your mouth feeds on sugar and can grow stronger if you eat or drink too many sweet items, leading to infection and decay.

Don’t Chew on Non-Food Items

Another form of preventative care is avoiding chewing on non-food items like nails, plastic, pens, and pencils. Also, avoid opening things with your teeth or grinding your teeth. These habits lead to weaker teeth and can cause gum recession. If you think you have a problem with teeth grinding, notify our office so we can provide you with protection that will help limit grinding.

These are the basics of preventative dental care. Make it a point to practice these habits daily in order to maintain a healthy mouth and beautiful smile. For more information, visit our preventative dental care office.

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