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Tooth Decay (Cavities, Dental Caries)

Tooth decay, a.k.a. “cavities” or in the dental world, “caries”. These are the silent killers of teeth. Decay can be present in a single tooth or many teeth, slowly growing and destroying healthy tooth structure without any signs or symptoms. The fact is, once pain and sensitivity make you aware of the presence of tooth decay, the damage to your tooth is often extensive, and a simple filling is no longer an option. Instead, your tooth may need a root canal and crown, or even worse, an extraction.

So what can you do? Be proactive with your dental health.

Prevention: Fixing dental problems sooner than later will help you keep your teeth without additional expenses, and avoid dental pain Tooth decay, once initiated, is often irreversible without dental intervention, such as a filling, or other dental restorations like crowns and onlays.
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